Spread the Winter Warmth!

This year, with winter fast approaching, we are especially concerned about how extreme weather will affect many of our tenants, as a majority arrive with little more than clothes on their backs and they do not have the financial capability to buy those things that will see them through a British winter.

Without access to essentials like warm coats, boots, and bedding, they are at high risk during the colder months. We know that living in harsh conditions can increase physical and mental health issues, making it even harder for people to recover from homelessness. 

With your support, the funds we raise will go directly towards providing winter essentials – coats, duvets, warm blankets, and boots – to help our clients stay warm and safe. Our Housing and Progression Officers will allocate an amount of money to each of our tenants and we will then go shopping with them to guide them through the process, supporting them to make appropriate and affordable choices, working with them to source good quality coats, boots, etc.

Great news – enter our raffle by donating to this campaign, with every donation also being match funded by Aviva!

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